Cassie Barlow – SOCHE – Workforce Development with Teen Focus

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father too many times our reason for doing anything is motivated by our own personal problems . We give little thought to the fact that anyone is watching us and are in awe of how we behave. Yet ,Each of us has been watched, observed or mimicked since our year one. Which helps me to realize that it is faith that drives us toward Jesus and to a lesser degree there is a faith that drives others toward us. Jesus will never disappoint us; don’t let us disappoint those who look to us for support by being absent from their life. Amen!

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Optimist International Professional Development Program

Myron Rheaume gave a short presentation on two programs to enhance your growth and participation in your Optimist club. These programs not only help you, the more of us that participate in them the more our club gets recognized in Ohio and Internationally.

  • Personal growth and involvement program (PGI)
  • Personal development program (PDP)

Each program has multiple levels of achievement. Each level requires specific activities. As an example, here are the steps to complete PDP Level 1, Bronze:

  • Participate in a community service activity
  • Learn how to write a communique/Press Release
  • Give a short presentation on “How Optimism Can Make a Better World” or “Optimism as a Way of Life”
  • Learn the 5 purposes of an Optimist Club
  • Introduction of a new Member or a guest at a Club meeting/activity

PGI and PDP are similar but different. The FAQ for PDP says: “The PDP program is meant to provide members a way to develop professionally. Members will have the opportunity to build skills that will help them professionally and enhance their Club, District and Optimist International. Our organization wants to bring in younger professionals. The PDP is a tool to help them do that.”

For PGI, 4 members of our club have reached the highest level. These are Cherie Gentry, Mike Bevis, Joe Madden and Myron Rheaume

Details of PDM and PGI are here.

Committee Notes

Jean Pummill, secretary, CNO is completing its 50th year and we have added 36 members so far this year. Can we reach 50?

Bob Lawson, Fishing Derby chair, reminded us that the Fishing Derby is June 2, 2018. Please remember to show up if you have signed up.

Mike Bevis, golf chair, noted that it is less than 60 days until Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Outing at Sycamore Creek Country Club on July 16, 2018. The goody bags will be very well stocked. A few foursome spots are still available.

Beth Duncan, social director, mentioned that June 19, 2018 is our 50th Anniversary celebration party. It will be at Canopy Creek in Miamisburg. Food, music and surprises are planned. You must sign up by June 12, 2018.

Laurie Poeppelman, Opti-gear Coordinator, said that summer gear samples are here and will be at lunch each week through the end of June. Embroidery of the Optimist club logo is included on all items.

Tom Novak, Avenue of Flags chair, said we can use 2 last minute helpers to deliver flags for Memorial Day.

Today’s Presentation

Mike Bevis introduced Cassie Barlow, Ph.D., the director of Aerospace Professional Development at SOCHE, (Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education), partners in developing our local workforce. She joined SOCHE in July 2017. She was with the United States Air Force for 26 years. She is the co-author of “Saluting Our Grandmas” (with Sue Norrod), the stories of “Women of World War II”.

Formed in 1967, SOCHE is a regional consortium of 23 colleges and universities in southwest Ohio to promote educated, employed, and engaged citizens.

In particular they help arrange internships for both job providers and job seekers for both College Students and High School Students. Additionally, they help schools setup aerospace learning curriculums for K-12. They are always trying to increase internships. Around two thirds of interns are offered a full-time position. Internships work because each side has an opportunity to try the other side out. This helps keep needed talent in our area. This has always been a good idea, but there is going to be a severe shortage of workers as the baby boomers are retiring on a daily basis. In our area there are 200,000 students in colleges and 100,000 that are juniors and seniors in high school. This is our future workforce and we need to keep it here. SOCHE focuses on creating real intern jobs and the best practice is that a company uses the same hiring standards as for graduates interviewing for permanent positions.

Colleges also help arrange internships, but SOCHE, with 37 years of experience, has a focus on keeping talent in the Southwest Ohio area. The two complement each other, not trying to take away from the other.

Quick Facts

  • SOCHE Engage is a program for high school student-based internships
  • She has a special focus on helping Veterans across our region and State
  • For the interns in addition professional skill matches, they work on soft skills, like being on time and not being too early.
  • All the internships are paid.
  • Greene county is infusing the Taking Flight for the Future program into K-12.
  • They encourage and help kids with going into the trades such as plumbers and electricians.

 Today’s Guests

No guests this week – remember to invite a guest and show off our world class award winning club!


Member Birthday
Jack Anderson May 18
Bill Marker May 23
Don Skelton May 25
Cristlyn Johnston May 26

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Pete Rife May 22 05/22/2013 5
Jim Schumacher May 22 05/22/1991 27
Paulette Novak May 25 05/25/2005 13
Bob Clements May 25 05/25/2005 13
Amy Barker May 26 05/26/2008 10
Cheryl Reichel May 26 05/26/2008 10
Debe Dockins May 26 05/26/2009 9

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Wendy Hattan Robin Golden Induction

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Chris McAlpine His son had shoes on the wrong feet at the bike rodeo.
All Bike Rodeo course marshals except Bob Burkman. All Bike Rodeo course marshals except Bob Burkman. Bob was the only one with shoe laces that matched his safety vest.
Bob Burkman Cones were not well monitored at the Bike Rodeo – they kept “blowing over”.
Greg Griffin Wendy Hattan’s name tag was in the wrong spot in the box.
Jack Anderson and Nancy Anderson Jack’s birthday mix-up – evidently his birthday is on the wrong day.
Kelly Stone Being late to meeting.
Vida McDowell Wearing the wrong name tag.

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Barbara Santo Brighton Collectibles at the Greene is collecting Shoes for Souls. Please bring any spare shoes you have.