Search Results for: respect for law


OPTIMIST CLUB OF CENTERVILLE NOON BY-LAWS PREAMBLE The Constitution and by-laws of Optimist International and any future amendments thereto shall be incorporated by reference into these by-laws and these by-laws shall contain no sections which shall be inconsistent with the Constitution and by-laws of Optimist International. ARTICLE I – NAME SECTION 1: This club shall

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Robert O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year

Optimists promote respect for law and an active interest in civic affairs by sponsoring two annual awards – John P. Kalaman Respect for Law and the Robert O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year. Both awards recognize those in our community who exceed expectations in serving the community. Bob O’Toole was a part-time firefighter with both Centerville/Washington

Robert O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Read More »

New Centerville Noon Optimist members being sworn into the club

2021-22 Officer Installation and Awards Presentation Dinner

We had a wonderful evening of feast and fellowship at Yankee Trace. This was a great night to celebrate the past year and to look forward to teh next year. This is the end of the presidential year for Debe Dockins. Gary Hansen became the 54th CNO President.

2021-22 Officer Installation and Awards Presentation Dinner Read More »

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