CNO Elections

Big Brothers Big Sisters Miami Valley, Christopher Mackey and Chad Lovins

Their mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. They want all youth to achieve their full potential. Additionally, the Officers and Board of Directors Nominations for CNO for the year starting October 1, 2024, were announced.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Miami Valley, Christopher Mackey and Chad Lovins Read More »

Herb Reisenfeld, Adventures of a Tour Director + CNO Officer and Board Nominations

For over 48 years, Herb Reisenfeld has traveled with thousands of guests all over the U.S. and many parts of the world. He gets a tremendous thrill sharing his experiences by visiting various destinations that he has been blessed to enjoy many times. Today, he told stories from his book “Checking Inn – Adventures of a Tour Director.”

Herb Reisenfeld, Adventures of a Tour Director + CNO Officer and Board Nominations Read More »