Jesse Lightle – Administrator – Washington Township

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father life is similar to gathering black berries. When there is something we want there is always some sticky deterrent. Some will plunge right in, while others decline because it’s too much trouble. Attitude in our search for anything is paramount to our success and Optimism is the fuel that spurs us on. Attitude and Optimism helps bring out the best in kids. Lord help us double our pleasure and find the best blackberries and bring out the best in kids. Amen!

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Mason Cammel Mike Bevis
Thomas Dyer Evelyn Griffin
Mark Karns Jean Pummill
Scott Kujawa Speaker
Sherri Montgomery Mike Bevis

All Photos from the Meeting are Here


Paula and John Kalaman announced that the annual blood drive in honor of their son John P. Kalaman will be held Monday April 29, 2019, from 9 AM until 5 PM at the Centerville Police Department.

Upcoming Social Events

5/4/2019, Kentucky Derby Party at Remodeling Designs in Miamisburg. Bring a dish to share.

5/11/2019, Dayton Dragons game with a luxury box, food, drinks and hat. Contact the Dragons at (937) 228-2287 ext 134 for tickets or email with questions.

Happy Birthday to Carol Burkman and Ellie Parker

Today was Carol Burkman and Ellie Parker’s birthday!!!! Even though neither of them could be with us today we couldn’t miss the opportunity to celebrate two of the best! Unfortunately, we sing like we never heard any song ever. However, we sing with love!. Bob Duffy lead us and he loves to show off his special talent of leading those who can’t be led. Bob Burkman took a video of the show, which hopefully can’t be used against us.

Committee Announcements

Nancy Lehren, chair of the Childhood Cancer Committee, announced that the next Build-A-Bear event will be on Friday, May 10th, at Children’s Medical Center. Each child attending will receive a stuffed animal and an outfit of their choice along with other festivities. CNO members are invited to sponsor a child at the Build-a-Bear for $25.  Each sponsor will receive a picture of the child sponsored holding their new stuffed animal.  To sponsor a bear, mail your check payable to Centerville Noon Optimist, c/o Nancy Lehren, 6857 Cedar Cove Dr., Centerville, OH 45459.

Laurie Poeppelman and Evelyn Griffin announced they are taking orders for embroidered Opti-Gear spring items for the next few weeks at lunch. Last lunch to order is May 7, 2019.

Pat Behn, chair of the Easter Egg Hunt, said thank you to the more than 50 volunteers that stuffed 6000 eggs in less time than ever.

Mike Bevis, chair of the golf committee, said we are less than 100 days until the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Tournament. It will be held on Monday, July 15, 2019. Meetings will be held at Buckeye Home Health Care on Paragon Rd at 6 PM: 4/17/2019, 5/15/2019, 6/12/2019, 7/102019.

Today’s Presentation from Washington Township

Gary Smiga introduced CNO member Jesse Lightle, the Township Administrator for Washington Township. Jesse oversees the day-to-day administration of all township services and reports directly to Washington Township trustees. She was hired by the township as deputy administrator in 2006 and was promoted to Township Administrator in 2008. She has come today to update us about the township.

There has been a lot of development going on in the last year.

  • A rezoning request has been approved for 36 Craftsman-style patio homes for young adults and empty nestor’s on a 15.3 acre plat on West Social Row. Approximate home prices will be $250K.
  • There is a new SICSA Pet Adoption Center on Washington Church Road.
  • Yankee Station where Bally’s was has been updated.
  • Design Homes has a new outlot.
  • Improvements to Gebhart Road are underway. Costing over $800,000, it has been partially paid for by a grant from the State of Ohio.
  • 17 residential streets will be improved. The Township spends about one million dollars per year on road improvement.
  • Three miles of curbs are updated each year.

She updated us on the rec center. Family Adventure Day will be on April 27, 2019 and it will include kayaking in the indoor pool and a zip line. There are always several summer camps at the Rec Center. This year there will a camp with a component for STEM, Science and Technology and Engineering.

At the Rec West Enrichment Center, membership has increased 67% since the township took over the senior services in the area.

Travis Carter has been newly appointed to fill the role overseeing Community Oriented Policing.  This will help neighborhood watch and business watch programs for the Sheriff’s department. Carter is a 19-year veteran of the sheriff’s office.

Next, Jesse turned to the Fire Department. Chief Bill Gaul retired in March after nearly 40 years of service to the department, including 11 years as chief.

Jesse introduced newly appointed fire Chief Scott Kujawa. Kujawa has served the department for 27 years, including the last three years as deputy chief in charge of operations.  During that time, he has twice overseen the fire department’s successful accreditation process through the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI), an internationally-recognized benchmark for fire and emergency services. He is a graduate of Centerville High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in fire administration and an associate’s degree in fire science from Columbia Southern University.

Chief Scott Kujawa explained some of the issues requiring the department to request voters to approve a continuous 2.85-mill levy on the May 7, 2019 ballot. There has been a decline in part time and volunteer firefighters. They need to hire additional full-time people and they cost more money. The plan is to have 26 working full time and 4 part time per day, working 24-hour shifts.

He explained some additional considerations about the tax increase. The department is planning for the replacement of Station 41 at 163 Maple Ave. It was built 50 years ago and doesn’t meet current needs. It will cost $3.7 million. There is not enough surrounding land, so it will also be relocated. If the levy doesn’t pass the fire fund the fire department will reach a negative balance by 2023. The tax increase will raise homeowner taxes approximately $99.75 annually per $100,000 in home valuation.

The department does what it can to reduce the burden on tax payers.

  • Grants – $425,700 over the past six years.
  • Regional Dispatch Center – The recent transition to the Montgomery County RDC is expected to save about $500,000 annually in operating costs.
  • Insurance Billing – In 2018, 11.82% of the fire department’s total revenue came from billing insurance providers for emergency transport.

In 2018 a continuous levy passed that did not raise taxes. Before asking for the increase they are requesting this year, the trustees asked the department to evaluate one more year to figure out what they needed long term.

There were 7751 runs in 2019, which is an increase of 28% since 2012. The fire department averages about 21 to 22 runs per day. The have busy days where there are over 30 calls per day.

The fire department has many activities each year including a Citizen Fire Academy, various open houses, and chances for public education.

Every year on the second Sunday in August, the department holds an Ice Cream Social. This year it will be on August 11, 2019. Last year was the 70th anniversary of the event.

Washington Township Website

List of the 5 Fire/EMS stations for the Washington Township and Centerville area (including the training center.)


Member Birthday
Carol Burkman April 16
Ellie Parker April 16
Denise O’Neil April 18
Sue Zammit April 21
Dave Klein April 22
Mike Brem April 22

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Blanca Ortiz April 16 4/16/2014 5
Joe Soucy April 16 4/16/2014 5
Sue Kuo April 16 4/16/2014 5
Andrew Cain April 19 4/19/2018 1
Cheryl Probst April 19 4/19/2018 1
Stan Fronzaglia April 19 4/19/1999 20
Vida McDowell April 19 4/19/1999 20
Mark Petre April 22 4/22/1996 23

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Pam Truitt Donna Huss 3rd Reading
Judy McFadden Donna Huss 3rd Reading
Jack Grady Mike Bevis 2nd Reading
Kelly Davis Beth Duncan 2nd Reading
Mark Karns Jean Pummill 1st Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Jean Pummill Forgot to turn in name badge last week.
Egg stuffers that ate any candy while stuffing Eating candy during the egg stuffing event last Saturday.
Anyone getting sunshine in the South this winter Taking a vacation to somewhere warm and sunny for 7 days or more in January, February or March of 2019.
All previous sergeants in the last year Fining current sergeant Brian Nolan during their terms as sergeant.

 Happy Bucks! 

Member Reason
Bob Burkman $5 to the club singing to his wife Carol. She has a video of it.
Sue Brubaker 49 year wedding anniversary to Mike Brubaker.
Bob Duffy He sat at the birthday table, and thanked you everyone for the wonderful sweets. (It was NOT his birthday!)
Tom Novak Last week was the largest amount of money our weekly 50/50 raffle has ever raised.