Author name: Patrick Arehart

CNO Member since 2017, Technology Committee, Finance Committee, Newsletter

Terry Oroszci – Study of Terrorism in America since 9/11

Terry has authored 2 books about terrorism so far with another about to be released. She has also published several articles. She spoke to us about her study of terrorism based on data she has collected since 9/11. Her full presentation can take over 90 minutes and Terry did an excellent job of reducing it to the 20 minutes we were able to offer her at today’s lunch. She shared a lot of interesting information from her research into terrorists.

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Bryan Suddith – Storytelling

Bryan is an accomplished story teller, aspiring writer, and regular performer at The Moth in Louisville. His parents and grandparents were good at storytelling and told them stories all the time. His message is there is great value in storytelling to the community. He spends his spare time writing stories and telling them. He loves telling stories, especially ones based on personal experience. Stories build empathy and community. Your story is your story. We are all more alike than different.

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Ollie’s Place – Mike Schwartz & Clayton Hicks – H7

Mike Swartz is the owner of Ollie’s place. They have thousands of choices of beer and whiskey. The name Ollie’s is in honor of his beloved grandfather. Clayton Hicks is the founder and CEO of the H7 Global Network. H7 is a system for finding people that you want to work with and learning business building techniques.

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Dr. Timothy Melley – Conspiracy Culture and Fake News

“We live in a Post Truth Culture. Objective facts are less important than feelings. Mainstream news is now less important than real news or social media. Deliberate propaganda is being spread. Conspiracy theories are everywhere. One of the biggest is the moon landings were faked. Many conspiracies relate to state secrets.” -Timothy Melley

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Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award and Memorial Scholarship Winners

Today we presented the Friend of Youth Award. Congratulations to this year’s winner Jason Whitehead. He was nominated by CHS principal Jack Durnbaugh. Jack’s nomination letter included statements such as, “Jason is a superb social studies teacher.” “He challenges his students to be problem solvers.” “His students love history since being taught by Jason and his style of teaching.”

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Dr. J Thomas Hardy – Dayton Veteran’s Administration

Dr. Hardy came today to give us a brief history of veteran’s services and of the Dayton VA Medical Center. The mission of the VA is to fulfill President Lincoln’s promise: “To care fore him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s Veterans.

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